Elevate Trends


About Our Data

We collect anonymised data to evaluate search queries people make online related to their health, well-being and fitness. We use data from google trends and various sources that estimate search volume for any given keyword.

Why Search Data is Valuable

Trend and market reports often provide data and insight in a reactive manner, meaning that the data is historical and does not provide insight into what is happening in real time.  However, search data delivers real-time feedback on trends, actively reveals users’ needs through their queries, and offers unbiased, broad demographic insights. It provides a comprehensive insight into consumer intentions, preferences, and behaviours. This data is quantifiable and can be analysed over time to discern long-term trends and local preferences. By examining these search patterns, businesses can pinpoint market gaps, gauge sentiments, assess competition, and inform product development. Furthermore, it guides content creation and marketing strategies. In today’s digital era, search data is crucial for businesses aiming to understand and meet evolving consumer needs.

Why is Search Data and Elevate's Data Valuable for Health and Wellness Trends?

Harnessing search data and Google Trends data is indispensable for professionals and business owners in health, well-being, and fitness as it provides insights into evolving consumer needs, preferences, and emerging trends, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning. Such as:

  1. Real-time Health Trends: Search data provides immediate insights into emerging health concerns, diets, exercise routines, or wellness practices, enabling health professionals and businesses to respond promptly to current demands.

  2. Understanding Intent: People actively seek advice, remedies, or information about health conditions, fitness routines, and well-being practices. These queries represent genuine concerns, interests, or needs related to health and fitness.

  3. Unbiased Health Concerns: Unlike structured health surveys, search queries can offer a more unfiltered view of people’s health worries, questions, or interests, leading to genuine insights about public health attitudes.

  4. Broad Demographic Insights: People of all demographics search about health, allowing for a diverse understanding of health-related concerns across different age groups, genders, and other demographic factors.

  5. Tracking Health Behaviours Over Time: Longitudinal analysis of search data can show evolving health and fitness trends, helping to identify the rise of new diets, the popularity of certain exercises, or shifting attitudes toward mental well-being.

  6. Localised Health Preferences: Search data can reveal regional preferences or concerns related to health, such as popularity of certain diets in specific areas, or areas with heightened concerns about particular diseases or health issues.

  7. Gap Analysis: Understanding what people are searching for in health, versus what information or products are available, can highlight unmet needs in the health and fitness sector.

  8. Sentiment Towards Health Topics: Analysing the phrasing of health-related queries can give insights into public sentiments, e.g., “risks of keto diet” versus “benefits of keto diet.”

  9. Competitive Health Insights: For businesses in the health sector, search trends can show which health products, services, or information sources are popular or fading.

  10. Guiding Health Content and Outreach: Health professionals, bloggers, and companies can tailor their content, products, or services based on what the public is actively searching for, optimising their outreach and relevance.

The Data and Analysis Behind What We Offer

Trends Library: We analyse google trends for significant and emerging trends in the health, wellbeing and fitness industry. We curate trends that are both growing and declining. Google Trends calculates the search interest of a term as a proportion of all searches on Google over time and location. This raw search interest is then scaled on a range of 0 to 100, based on the term’s proportionate popularity to its peak popularity. A value of 100 is the peak popularity of the term, whereas a value of 50 indicates that the term was half as popular. Our data in the trends library is based on the last 6 years of trend data for global, UK and USA locations (unless specified otherwise). For more information on how google trends calculates it’s data click here.

Trend Signals: While trends for relative search interest can show you what trends, topics or brands are emerging or declining it doesn’t necessarily provide  context behind the trend. For example, it does not show search volume data or it doesn’t explain the reasons behind the trends or the intent of the searchers. Our signals section is where we provide expert narrative and also provide additional data that adds context such as search volume data, social media data or any other data that provides a clearer understanding of the causes and factors behind the trend. Any surprising or significant trend identified in our curated library that warrants further analysis, commentary and insight will be covered in Trend Signals.

Trends Trackers: In the Health, Wellness and Fitness industry many trends can be short-lived or come in waves such as diet fads. It is also a competitive and dynamic industry with consumer perceptions changing all of the time. We track key topics where trends can be tracked over-time but also compare against various factors such as seasonality, comparing sub-topics and competition or differences in location. We analyse data using data sources such as google trends, search volume data and other publicly available sources appropriate to the topic.

Trends reports: Our reports are our own expert perspective and analysis delivered in interactive presentation reports. It is a round-up of key trends or topics in a given time period or it may include a deep-dive into a sub sector of the industry. Our reports delve extensively into online search patterns, offering search volume data and an analysis of online search queries. This provides a comprehensive view of current demand trends. In today’s digital age, individuals often consult the internet for health and wellness related decisions, making it essential to decipher their online search behaviour to uncover valuable market insights. When combined with our broader industry expertise, this search data allows our reports to provide a concise overview of the current landscape within key sectors. We may also add data from other public sources to supplement our thoughts, perspective and analysis.

Elevate Trends

by Elevate Ninety Media


Elevate Ninety Media

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