Style Meets Health: WHOOP Band and Oura Ring Continue to Rise in Search

Whoop band search trends

SMART watches have been the prominent wearable smart devices for activity tracking and personalised health monitoring. However, increasing search interest in devices such as the Whoop Band and the Oura Ring might be showing signs of a shift towards consumer preferences for fashionable wearable devices that focus on holistic health monitoring.

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Fertility Tracking Is Growing in Demand in Femtech Apps

Premom search trends

The increase in search interest for the ovulation tracker App, Premom, got us thinking just how popular is this type of feature for apps supporting women's health. It turns out other ovulation trackers are increasing in search too, such as Flo App, Mira and Kegg are also trending.

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Fitness Enthusiasts Putting More Emphasis on Recovery

Recovery search trends

Fitness enthusiasts are increasingly realising the importance of recovering effectively from exercise to improve athletic performance as we are seeing an increase in search interest for products such as 'compression boots' and 'ice bath'.

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Non Alcoholic Beer Shows Signs Of Moving Beyond Dry January Trend

Non alcoholic beer

Search interest for non alcoholic beer reached a peak in June, ahead of the usual popular January interest peaks. The peaks in January are obvious to explain as people embark in 'Dry January' and New Year resolutions to cut back on the booze, but what does the recent peak in June say about consumer preferences for Non Alcoholic Beer?

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Meditation Enthusiasts are Turning to Youtube For Content

meditation google vs youtube

The rise of meditation practices has seen an increase in adoption through the use of apps, classes, at home and in the workplace. As such we are seeing a shift of search from google search to youtube as meditators have a preference for interactive content.

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