We'd Love to Hear Your Feedback

At Elevate Ninety Media, we highly value the input of our Elevate Trends subscribers. Your feedback, suggestions, and comments play a vital role in enhancing your experience with our trends platform. 

If you have any thoughts, ideas, or recommendations for how we can make Elevate Trends even more valuable for you, we invite you to share them with us. Whether it’s a suggestion for a new feature, insights on how to enhance existing functionalities, or any other feedback you’d like to provide, we’re all ears.

Share your feedback by completing the form below. Your insights are invaluable to us and will contribute to making Elevate Trends an even more valuable resource 

Note: all feedback is provided anonymously unless you wish to provide your details below and if you have specified you would like to hear back from us. Whilst we in a position to cater for every suggestion, we do take on board and appreciate all feedback.


Elevate Ninety Media

Brunel House

2 Fitzalan Road


United Kingdom