Sun Protection Trends For Online Consumer Search

Sun protection search trends

We are getting closer to warmer weather in the UK. Also, many of us will be looking forward to summer holidays either abroad or in the UK where more time will be spent outside or in the sun on the beach. Skin cancer is still the most common cancer in the UK, so we have taken a closer look at consumers search behaviour towards sun protection.

Furthermore, Sun Awareness Week is a yearly campaign in the UK promoted by British Association of Dermatologists. The campaign seeks to raise awareness about the dangers of excessive exposure to the sun and the importance of sun protection. We have conducted research on the online search trends for sun protection and sunscreen-related keywords to coincide with Sun Awareness Week and the beginning of warmer weather. Our research has revealed interesting insights into the changing habits of consumers in their search for sun protection products.

Sunscreen overtakes sun cream in popularity

According to our research, sunscreen has overtaken sun cream as the more popular search term in recent years. Popularity for both terms has continued to grow year on year. This trend indicates that people are becoming more aware of the importance of sun protection and are actively searching for products that provide the best protection for their skin. This is an encouraging trend as it suggests that people are taking steps to protect themselves from the harmful effects of the sun.

sunscreen search trends

Rising awareness of skin cancer

Our research has also shown that people are becoming more aware of the risks associated with excessive exposure to the sun. Search terms such as ‘dermatologist near me’ have almost quadrupled in growth since 2020, indicating that people are seeking professional advice on how to protect their skin. Also, it could indicate that people are getting any warning signs of skin cancer checked out by a Dermatologist as early as possible. Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the UK, and it is essential that people take steps to protect themselves from its harmful effects.

Dermatologists near me

Changing preferences in sunscreen

Our research has also revealed that the types of sunscreen people are searching for are changing. Tinted sunscreen, powder sunscreen, and vitamin C sunscreen have all experienced year on year growth in the last 3 years. This trend suggests that people are looking for sunscreen products that provide additional benefits such as tinting, powder texture or Vitamin C that has additional skincare benefits. This change in preferences also suggests that people are becoming more discerning about the products they use and are willing to try new products that meet their specific needs.

Tinted sunscreen search trends
Powder sunscreen search trends
Vitamin C sunscreen search trends

Sunscreen applicators gain popularity

Our research has also revealed a new trend in the sunscreen market. Solar Buddies, a brand based in Wales, have crafted a new category for sunscreen applicators. Their brand ‘Solar Buddies’ and the term ‘sunscreen applicator’ have witnessed significant spikes in search following an appearance on Dragons Den and successful investment from the dragons Peter Jones and Deborah Meadon. This trend suggests that consumers are interested in innovative products that make applying sunscreen easier and more convenient. The product is particularly targeted at children, which helps children to be more inclined to apply sunscreen without fuss or hassle. Furthermore, it can even help them become self proficient when their parents are not around to help. This trend is encouraging as it suggests that people are looking for ways to make sun protection for themselves and their family as part of their daily routine.

Solar Buddies search trends
Sunscreen applicator search trends

Sun protection in other skin products

Finally, our research has shown that consumers increasingly want to see sun protection in other skin products such as moisturisers. Search for SPF moisturiser has increased steadily over the last 3 years. This trend indicates that people are looking for products that provide multiple benefits, such as hydration and sun protection. This trend is an encouraging development as it suggests that people are taking a more holistic approach to their skincare routine and are actively seeking products that meet multiple skincare needs.

SPF Moisturiser search trends

Consumers Becoming Increasingly Aware of the Importance of Sun Protection

In conclusion, our research has revealed interesting insights into the changing habits of consumers in their search for sun protection products. The trends we have identified suggest that people are becoming more aware of the importance of sun protection and are actively seeking products that provide the best protection for their skin. The trend towards innovative products, such as sunscreen applicators, also suggests that people are willing to try new products that make sun protection a part of their daily routine. The trend towards sun protection in other skin products such as moisturisers indicates that people are taking a more holistic approach to their skincare routine. Overall, these trends are encouraging and suggest that people are taking steps to protect themselves from the harmful effects of the sun.

How Can Content Marketers Take Advantage of These Trends?

we’ve provided some tips on types of content that marketers can create to take advantage of the trends identified:

Educational content:

Consumers are becoming more aware of the risks of skin cancer, and many are searching for information on how to protect themselves from the sun’s harmful rays. Marketers can create educational content, such as blog posts, infographics, and videos, that provide tips and advice on sun protection. This type of content can help establish the marketer as an authority in the space and provide value to consumers.

Product reviews:

As consumers search for specific types of sun protection products, marketers can create product review content that highlights the benefits and features of their products. This type of content can include written reviews, video reviews, and social media posts. By providing honest and detailed reviews, marketers can build trust with consumers and encourage them to try their products.

Social media content:

Social media is a powerful platform for reaching consumers who are interested in sun protection. Marketers can create social media content, such as Instagram posts, Facebook ads, and TikTok videos, that showcases the benefits and features of their products. They can also collaborate with influencers to reach a wider audience and increase the credibility of their advertising.

How-to content:

Many consumers are searching for specific types of sunscreen, such as tinted sunscreen or powder sunscreen. Marketers can create how-to content that shows consumers how to use these products effectively. This type of content can include tutorials, step-by-step guides, and before-and-after photos. By providing useful and actionable information, marketers can encourage consumers to try their products and increase customer loyalty.

User-generated content:

Consumers are increasingly looking for products that are recommended by their peers. Marketers can encourage users to create and share content, such as reviews, photos, and videos, that showcase their products. They can share this type of user-generated content on social media, product pages, and in advertising campaigns. By leveraging user-generated content, marketers can increase the authenticity and credibility of their advertising.

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