Stress Awareness Month: Search Trends in Dealing with Stress

Stress search trends

April is Stress Awareness Month, a time to reflect on how we deal with stress and how it affects our lives. So, we have analysed the search trends that are shaping our attitudes towards stress and how we choose to manage it.

Workplace Stress Search Trends

In today’s fast-paced work culture, stress is one of the most common issues that people face. With increasing awareness of the impact of stress on employee health and productivity, companies are turning to health and wellbeing services to address this challenge.

According to the Health and Safety Executive, stress, depression, or anxiety is the leading cause of sickness absence in the UK workforce. This statistic is further supported by consistent search volume over the last three years, indicating a sustained interest in stress-related topics since the COVID lockdown began.

Work stress search trends
Work burnout search trends

One interesting trend that has emerged since 2020 is the rise in searches for “work burnout.” A study by Future Forum surveyed over 10,000 employees in the UK and USA and found that 40% of workers reported experiencing burnout. Interestingly, younger generations, including Gen Z and Millennials, were found to be more susceptible to burnout than other age groups.

Experts suggest that one reason for this trend could be that these younger workers began their careers during the pandemic, which has caused chaos and uncertainty in the workplace. As a result, their early work experiences may not have met their career expectations, leading to feelings of burnout.

In response to these trends, companies are increasingly offering a range of services, from employee engagement platforms to counselling services, to help their staff manage stress and improve their wellbeing. By prioritising the mental health of their employees, companies can create a healthier and more productive work environment, benefiting both employees and the business as a whole.

workplace wellbeing search trends

Stress from Our Lifestyles

Our lifestyles can also contribute to high levels of stress and anxiety. With an ever-increasing number of responsibilities like parenting, long working hours or working multiple jobs, dealing with financial problems, or managing relationships — it can be hard for some people to find the time or energy needed for self-care activities such as exercise, proper nutrition and relaxation.

These lifestyle factors often cause increased anxiety which can lead to a person feeling overwhelmed and stressed. At the beginning of 2023 we have seen a sharp rise in search for ‘help for anxiety’ related search queries.

anxiety search trends

In fact, these trends are indicative of how people are increasingly worried about the increasing cost of living and saving money. ‘How to save money’ search terms rose on average by approx 3,000 to 4,000 searches per month since 2022.

save money search trends

Whilst ‘relaxation techniques’ has maintained a consistent cycle of peaks and troughs since 2020, there has been a sharp rise at the beginning of 2023.

Also, google trends highlight that over the last 12 months the top search term for relaxation techniques has been ‘relaxation techniques for anxiety’. Furthermore, ‘relaxation techniques for stress’ was another top related search term.

Top Related Search QueriesIndex*
Relaxation techniques for anxiety100
Relaxation techniques for sleep49
Relaxation techniques for stress14
Table showing popular search queries related to ‘relaxation techniques’ for search in the UK over the last 12 months

Sleep quality is another lifestyle factor that has been attributed to stress levels. Search queries related to ‘sleep insomnia’ has steading been on the rise since 2020.

sleep insomnia search trends

People are increasingly looking for ways to improve sleep, particularly relaxation techniques, meditation and mindfulness are popular search term clusters to help overcome sleep issues.

Search Trends Related to Management of Stress

Whilst stress management is part of our everyday lifestyles, some people may require additional help and support.

People may decide to seek answers to their own stress related issues with search queries such as ‘how to manage stress’ are on the steady increase. Also, people may seek the help of a professional therapist. As such, ‘online therapy’ received a significant surge in search volume COVID lockdown and the beginning of 2023 has also seen a spike close to 10,000 searches per month. Also, ‘mental health therapy’ related searches have steadily been increasing since 2020.

There is also increase awareness towards self management of stress related issues. For example, ‘breathing technique’ saw a rapid rise in search during the lockdown periods but has also shown steady increase in search volume over the last 12 months.

Also, people are increasingly turning to guided meditation to relieve stress and anxiety. Google Trends reveals that popular related search terms for ‘guided meditation’ are attributed towards improvements in sleep and reducing anxiety.

Top Related Search QueriesIndex*
meditation sleep100
sleep meditation guided95
guided sleep meditation91
guided meditation youtube31
meditation for sleep31
youtube meditation31
guided meditation for sleep30
guided meditation anxiety18
guided meditation for anxiety14
Table showing popular search queries related to ‘guided meditation’ for search in the UK over the last 12 months
Top Rising Search QueriesTrending**
meditation for anxiety160%
guided meditation for anxiety160%
guided meditation anxiety90%
meditation sleep80%
deep sleep meditation80%
sleep meditation guided70%
guided sleep meditation60%
meditation for sleep60%
guided meditation for sleep60%
Table showing trending search queries related to ‘guided meditation’ for search in the UK over the last 12 months

The Rise of Technology and Digital Apps to Track Stress

Technology has also changed the way we manage our stress levels by offering us tools such as digital health apps that monitor our mental and physical wellbeing.

These apps track things like heart rate, breathing patterns, and sleep cycles so users can better understand what triggers their anxiety or depression symptoms and learn how they can improve them over time.

Anxiety rings grew rapidly in search popularity mid way through 2021, reaching search volumes of above 30,000 per month. However, they began to decline at the end of 2022 but are showing signs of increasing at the beginning of 2023. The steep fluctuations can be attributed to the lack of evidence supporting anxiety rings claims. Nevertheless, it has shown that many people have taken an interest and have been willing to look past the lack of evidence to give them a try.

As we discussed in our search trend report for SMART fitness trackers, technology such as the Oura Ring have combined the increasing trends for SMART jewellery, SMART wearables and consumer demand to track their holistic health.

Also, Whoop is a company that has received increasing search interest over the last few years. Devices such as Whoop and other advanced fitness trackers are providing stress scores based on Heart Rate Variability (HRV) measurements. As shown in the trend graph below, there has been increasing search demand for Heart Rate Variability and its relationship with stress.

HRV search trends

Technology and Online Helping to Break Down Mental Health Taboo’s

Managing stress and mental health concerns is becoming more accessible through a combination of lifestyle interventions and technology. Online therapy services are on the rise, breaking down the barriers surrounding mental health and providing easier access to treatment.

Employers are also taking note and placing a high value on managing mental health in the workplace. This shift in focus will help reduce the stigmatisation of mental health issues and increase awareness of the need for better management.

As search trends show, people are increasingly turning to technology and online resources to help manage their mental health. This indicates a positive shift in attitude towards seeking help and improving mental wellbeing. By embracing these changes, we can break down the taboos surrounding mental health and work towards creating a healthier, more supportive environment for all.

* Index – Google trends provide an index on search popularity on a scale of 1-100 with 100 being the most popular search term for the location an time the data is requested

** Trend (%) – Relates to the increase in volume of search over the last 12 months compared to the previous 12 months

Data Sources:

  • Google trends
  • Semrush
  • Google ads keyword planner

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